Student, Artist, Designer

UNC Public Policy and Business major with a minor in art

About EJ​

Currently attending the University of North Carolina, I primarily study Public Policy to attend law school and eventually become a lawyer. Outside of that, my interests range drastically; as a former golf athlete, I still keep up with the sport recreationally. As an artist, I continue to hone in on my skills to help me stay creative. In my free time, I have some grandma hobbies like Jigsaw puzzles, baking, sudoku, baking, and podcast-listening.

Art Portfolio

Curated over the years, here are some of my best or award-winning pieces.

Some art achievements include published works in artists’ magazines and regional/national competitions.

Media and Design

Portfolio of my design work, web development, and other media!

I love creating, designing and organizing in my free time, but I’ve done it as a student and for past jobs as well. Look more into some of the things I’ve created and worked on!

Contact Me​

Have any questions? Let me know!

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